Victim Compensation Scheme is now a reality!

Click below to know more on how we did it!


Disha is creating a legal, social and policy framework to ensure our criminal justice system is not only retributive, but also restorative.


+91 72125 41055

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Teacher’s Colony, Amravati, Maharashtra.
Manish is a master in social work and has 14 years of experience in this field. His career also began with the rehabilitation of prisoners. He then worked at the Tata Institute’s Urban Planning Project. He then worked under the guidance of the organization for the right to education of children, the right of residence of Urban Poor. From 2014 till now, he has been managing the organization’s victim rehabilitation project in Amravati district. In connection with this work, he has achieved mastery in work with Police, Police Patil, DLSA, CWC and Victim. At the district level, he created the identity of DISHA as a devoted organization.
Radhika has a Master's in Social Work degree and since 2017 has been working in the Mobile Help Desk project. She is apt in gaining the trust of victims and police both, thereby bridging the gap in meaningful ways.
Yogesh has a Master's in Social Work degree and works for the Mobile Help Desk project. Since 2017, he has carefully created a network of police stations and police patils in Amravati district.
Ramesh joined the Mobile Help Desk project in 2017 and since then has been instrumental in keeping the nuts and bolts together of the program. His seniority and experience is often used by the junior teammates.
Sarika has been working with Disha since 2014 and has a stellar record in connecting with the victims and bringing justice to the needy. Ever ready to walk the extra mile, Sarika often does the home visits to ensure further followups.
Yogesh has a Master's in Social Work degree and has singlehandedly enabled a lot of victims receiving the compensation. Working in Disha since 2017, his passion and networking skills have brought justice to the poor and needy victims in Yavatmal.
Varsha has a Master's in Social Work degree and has been working with Disha since 2017. Well versed with connecting with the victim, Varsha excels in creating the needed rehabilitation process on a case by case basis.

Badnera Railway childline

Due to its long standing expertise, DISHA was awarded the running of the 1098 ChildLine service by the Ministry of Women & Child Development in Sep 2020.

mental health clinic

DISHA is currently fundraising for its mental health and de-addiction services for victims of crime and people in distress.

covid response

More than 560 victims (& families) have received psycho-social support, legal guidance, dry ration kits and small financial assistance.